Friday, November 21, 2008

It is not your father's FFA anymore...

Diversity of Iowa's student population is projected to increase. In general, the % of minority students in Iowa schools is projected to grow; therefore minority enrollments in Ag Ed will also (hopefully) grow. Ag Ed needs to embrace diversity, because increased diversity is the "future" of agriculture. White, male students are no-longer the only members of Ag Ed/FFA.

"Tradition" is good. "Traditionalism" is bad.

Do the things that we have "always done" positively impact the members of our ever evolving demographics? Do we emphasize "memorization" too much? Are our career development events truly emphasizing career development?

Some agribusinesses (ie., Monsanto) believe that a diverse group of employees positively impacts their bottomline. Many companies believe that diversity postively impacts their ability to compete in a globl economy.

Iowa Ag Ed/FFA needs to embrace practices that will help students succeed in a global economy.

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