Thursday, October 9, 2008

No "i" in TEAM

No "i" in TEAM

The old cliche proves to be true; there is no "i" in the word "team".) I would "like" to say that the email (below) is the first I have every received, but I have received many emails/phone calls/comments like this since July of 2000. My challenge has been to decide “how to protect the identity” of teacher’s that raise these concerns, while relaying the “overall message” to all teachers.

I would greatly appreciate any advice you can provide me. I know what “assuming” means…but I “assume” a number of teachers will think…just comments from another whining teacher. But, I can think of many successful instructors that had similar concerns during their first couple years of teaching.

As TEAM AG ED, we MUST work together to promote and save the profession. Unlike diamonds, Ag Ed graduates are rare, and should be “polished” to help them shine. The timing is critical, while the world economy is weak, the Iowa agriculture economy is strong; and the demands for students interested in careers in agriculture is high.

--- received 7:40 am, Oct. 18, 2008 ---

Good Morning Dale,

I really don't have a good way to start this email off, but after weeks of thinking about it I have come to the decision that you need to know as to “why” I didn't attend the Iowa Ag teachers conference , and my views as to why we don't see ALL teachers staying in the field of Ag Ed.

Ag Teachers Conference: I went to the conference with an open mind and was excited to meet everyone. To my shock, with the exception of maybe 2 teachers, NO ONE would help me…when I asked questions. (Nothing like getting the cold shoulder.) The same story goes for other events such as state fair. I would love to get my chapter active in judging events etc., but when I call, email or try to get a hold of other advisor's to find out how to prepare for these events or ask questions no one is willing to help.
It seems to me the purpose of teaching agriculture is to help the students learn, and along with that they might win some events, but too many teachers care too much about “winning”, and will not help.

So after that experience I decided to attend another Professional development conference that would help me to meet the needs of my students, and make me feel better about myself.

The purpose of this email is to let you know how a new person feels when they come to this state to teach; not to point fingers at anyone. You just needed to know that it is a daily struggle to keep teaching in the great state of Iowa when neighboring states treat there teachers in a more respectable way.

- signed – new Ag Teacher

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