Tuesday, August 19, 2008

CTE - Cool, Tough, Education

Career and Technical Education is a philosophy that emphasizes contextual learning.

Agricultural Education is NOT just about teaching agriculture, but about teaching students in the context of agriculture.

I cringe everytime I hear an ag teacher say,

"I teach ag, not math."
"I teach ag, I am not the reading teacher."

The "core" concepts of reading, math, and science are utilized in careers. Agricultural Educators need to prepare students for careers in the Agriculture Industry, even if that means emphasizing the importance of reading and solving problems on-the-job.


Iowa Agricultural Education said...

I agree 100%.

snkr147 said...

Welcome to the blogging world.

run4isu2 said...

Nice to see the blog-it is hard to believe that just over a year ago I was reading your Caring Bridge postings and you were still getting the deer fur from your teeth! Really nice to read your comments.